Monday, September 28, 2015


The third and fourth grade classes at Francis Marion are off to a great start this fall. They were excited to be back at school and so was I. One of my struggles at the beginning of each new year is remembering the names of all of my students. To help me with the task I pulled some tried and true lessons from my bag of tricks.

Third Grade 

Once Emerged From The Grey Of Night
Paul Klee

We looked at the work of artist Paul Klee, in particular a picture poem titled "Once Emerged From The Grey Of Night". In this painting Klee placed letters from a poem inside square shapes, creating spaces to fill with color. For their compositions, instead of a poem students used their names and an interesting fact about themselves. The results are spectacular!

Fourth Grade

Students used permanent markers on aluminum foil to create these eye catching drawings using their names as the subject of the composition. Well done fourth grade.

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